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Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

GTA San Andreas PC Full RIP

GTA San Andreas PC Full RIPThis is one game I faforit first time every day still play PS2. Would have to know my game GTA San Andreas? Adventure games there abis ga-abisnya. We can roam around the city on a motorbike, car, chased the police and others. Although the actual GTA San Andreas has a mission, but who do a lot of joy jalan2 gammer in the city. Destroy the city so police pursued. Because it is to actually complete the mission, do not be completed immediately. When we do not live its mission, we can roam freely around town, or for trouble which finally caused an uproar by attacking people or blow up the vehicle. Get ready to approach the police wrote in the future.

Well, in this post I want to share the link for free download GTA San Andreas to be played on your pc or laptop. But before you download it, check your PC specifications. Due to run the game GTA San Andreas there is a minimum requirement specifications of the computer.

GTA San Andreas

System Requirement GTA San Andreas :

  • Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP processor
  • 384MB(+) of RAM
  • 16x DVD-ROM drive
  • 4.7 GB of free space for a full install
  • 128MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers
  • DirectX 9 compatible Surround Sound Card
  • Game pad with twin axis analog controls (USB or Joystick Port)
  • Keyboard & Mouse

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